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šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹ Italian Language Learning Stickers

šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹ Italian Language Learning Stickers

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Start learningĀ Italian šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹ with our awesome language learning stickers! You will learn 132 most importantĀ Italian words in no time, just by placing your language learning labels around your home or office. An effortless way to learn a new language. Each sticker includes oneĀ Italian keyword, an icon, and an English translation and is color-coded for the differentĀ Italian articles. Stickers corresponding to Italian masculine article il/l'/lo are blue, the feminine articlesĀ la/l' are red, while the masculine words in plural correspondingĀ toĀ i/gli are violet, and plural feminine corresponding toĀ leĀ areĀ orange. In this way you will subconsciously learnĀ that it is la carne and not il carne for the meat.